Thursday, 2 February 2012

Backtrack V5 image cooked

The new version of the backtrack image is now cooked and ready, I shall be uploading tonight/tomorrow and then just have to finish up the app itself and then all will be ready to release.

A few have asked what are my plans after 2.0
Well I shall for atleast a week or so have to slow down development as this terms assignments have been released for a few of my Uni modules, so need to get these out of the way.
After that its back on the apps, a few features I will look to include are:

  • Set location of the boot script/image for one click boot feature
  • Mount both internal and external storage on a wider range of devices
  • App automatically will create folder, download image and extract at the push of a button (this one will take some work but will get there for sure)
If there is anything else you would like to see in future releases please let me know!